Posts Tagged ‘desert’

From Ohio to Arizona by Car – Part 6

Friday, November 5th, 2021

After exploring the immediate neighborhood of Diane’s new home, we took a short trip to a neighboring town that was recommended to us: Scottsdale. This is a quaint place full of Native American art and arts and craft as well as Western folklore. Here are a few pictures.


This interesting and fun store sells and supports Native arts and crafts from artists in the area.

Check out the floor below!

It was fun–but HOT! It’s definitely the desert in summer. But look at the awesome sunsets! We are enjoying the evening at home.



The time has come for me to return to California and for Diane to get used to her new home. There will be plenty for her to do and she won’t get lonely with her five companions! I’ll miss our time together. During my next visit–when it’s a little cooler–we’ll explore Arizona some more. I look forward to visiting Sedona, which has been on my “bucket list” for a while.

Bye bye for now!